Take this from someone who belongs to the group known as the female gender, most of us really wonder why men do not take more effort when it comes to dressing up. It is not difficult. It just needs five more minutes of thought. And well, why wouldn't you want to receive all the compliments that you are sure to get if you are dressed well? A well dressed guy is generally more confident and definitely more attractive. At the cost of sounding extremely politically incorrect, first impressions do account for a lot and most people will judge you according to what you wear. That does not mean you buy only expensive clothes. Far from it. Just wear whatever you do with style and elan. Given below are some few handy tips on how to dress well that will go a long way in helping you dress better.

    While you should definitely dress to impress, it does not mean that it should come at the cost of being comfortable. If you are uncomfortable in your clothes, it will show, and your attractiveness will plummet.
    It is important that you dress according to the occasion. You cannot turn up at a wedding in a pair of tracks. Period. There is no excuse for that. And you definitely cannot saunter into office wearing the same clothes that you wore to the gym. Understand what works for which occasion and dress accordingly. This is important if you are trying to learn how to dress well.
    Most people take a good fit to mean tight clothes. That is far from true. Well fitting clothes translates into wearing something that flatters your body and not something that accentuates your flab. Similarly, avoid wearing extremely loose clothes. It will only make you bigger than you actually are.
    It is important to understand colors and what suits you. Also you really need to wear age-appropriate men's clothing. A man in his thirties in a pair of baggy jeans is not a sight to admire. But the same man in a pair of slim fitting trousers and well cut shirt will have many jaws dropping.
    There are some essentials that every man should own. This is definitely not one of the best kept secrets, but most women love their guy in pair of blue denims and a white button-up shirt. There is something quite irresistible about the combination. Other than this, definitely have a black shirt, some basic colored t-shirts, well fitting trousers, and a good jacket in your wardrobe.
    Most guys tend to ignore their footwear. Please do not. There are many women who first notice a guy's shoes. Footwear can be the deal breaker in many situations. Have a collection of different types of footwear for different occasions.
    Many men actually believe that jewelry is a woman's prerogative. While excess accessorizing can be quite a turn-off, there are many men who can carry over a discreet chain, a wristband, and rings.
    Fashion trends are great...on the runway. Include elements of the latest trends in your wardrobe but do not ditch the entire wardrobe for a new one, every time fashion gurus start heralding a fashion clothing item.

These are just some the tips that guys can follow in order to learn how to dress well. It is not a herculean task to understand men's fashion. All you need to do is pay a little more attention to yourself than normal and you will definitely master the art of how to dress well.

How to Dress Well: Guidelines for Women

Breaking news! As much as we women like to believe that we know everything there is to know about fashion, we are mostly wrong. Which is probably why most fashion disasters can be attributed to women. More often than not in a bid to emulate the latest fashion trend, we go horribly wrong. We know our fashion designers, our cuts, our colors, and our fabrics but we can also be extremely blind to what suits us and what does not. A girl needs to look chic, because every study that has come out lately tells us that men are swayed by physical appearance (like we didn't know that). And as much as we would like to believe that our brains account for more, we know that somewhere deep down, our looks win hands down. So here is how to dress well, for your own confidence and well, to get those looks of appreciation.

    Like men, the worst problem for women are ill fitting clothes. Most women insist on wearing clothes that are two sizes too small for them. This stems from the fact that every time they go shopping, they buy a smaller size hoping it will inspire them to lose weight. Stick to clothing that fits well. Ill-fitting women's clothing just makes you look bigger than you are.
    Sure, when you were in high school, the grunge look worked wonders. The just out-of-bed look can even be great for weekends. But at office, stick to smart casuals. Ripped jeans, as great as they may be, are weekend wear, as are tank tops and halter dresses.
    Many women go extremely wrong when it comes to choosing the right undergarments. There is a reason they are called so. They are supposed to be worn under your clothes. Letting that cute strap peek from under your top may seem like a cute idea, but it is not. It is distasteful to say the least. If you want to learn how to dress well, then this is one of the most important things to keep in mind.
    Do not go overboard with fashion trends. While it is great to be in tandem with the latest look that is making waves on the ramp, if it does not suit you, let it stay there. Those weirdly named jeggings may be the latest trend in town but unless you are reed-thin, chances are you will not do anything for your appearance by wearing them.

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