PC - Computer Facts

    According to the available statistics, it took 38 years for radio to reach 50 million users, 13 years for TV, and only 5 years for the Internet.
    One of the most interesting PC computer facts is that early hard drives in PCs held 20 Megabytes (MB), and cost about $800 whereas an $8 flash drive today holds 2 Gigabytes (GB) computer memory. That's a 100-fold 'decrease' in price for a 100-fold 'increased' computer performance!
    PC viruses are little files or codes that have been written to ruin your computer. So you need to install an Anti-Virus scanner, no matter you're connecting to the Internet or not. AVG antivirus is quite popular today. A 'firewall' is another way of defense which helps to block other computers and programs from connecting to you and playing with your stuff.
    Computers history facts tell us that first commercial computer was introduced in 1951 by John Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly from UNIVAC Computer and in 1953, International Business Machines (IBM) entered into the field of computers.
    The first computer mouse was introduced in 1968 by Douglas Engelbart at the Fall Joint Computer Expo in San Francisco.
    The first consumer computers were introduced by IBM in 1974/75. In 1981, Microsoft introduced the computer operating system of the century. User friendly Microsoft Windows was first introduced in November 1985.
    Tim Berners-Lee in 1990 first coined the phrase 'World Wide Web' and he is considered as father of Internet. The Internet gained popularity with the release of the first popular web browser Mosaic in 1993.
    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak built the first Apple computer from parts they got for free from their employers. Their idea for a 'PC' was rejected by the employers!
    One of the the most amazing PC computer facts is that the computer mouse, the windowing GUI, laser printing, and the network card were all developed at one company, 'Xerox' in Palo Alto, California.
    Do you know that the computer in your cell phone has more processing power than all the computers in the Apollo 11 Lunar Lander that helped 2 men to land on the moon?

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