Resume Writing Examples

Resume Writing Tips

Seeking a job has never been easy as anywhere you go, there are bound to be other candidates waiting for an opportunity for themselves. And since the job market has become extremely competitive, it is important to know the proper way to write a resume because it is your ticket to get selected by a particular organization. So what are some of the important points you need to remember while formatting and writing a resume? Take a look.
  • Always, always make sure that your resume is consistent, crisp, clear and easy to read and understand. Don't jumble up your words but plainly state the necessary information.
  • Usage of right keywords can grab the attention of recruiters. This helps you shine in front of the organization. Also, if you are uploading your resume at an online classified, the keywords can bring traffic to your resume.
  • Don't just list your qualities and strengths in a list. Instead, write one-line sentences to accentuate them.
  • The title of your resume has to be attention-getting and not boring one word titles. Instead of writing "Accounting", you can write "Management of A/P and Record Keeping". Doesn't that sound and look better?
  • Do proofread your resume more than once so that you can correct any typos and factual errors. Whenever a recruiter finds typos or even structural errors in a resume, you can kiss your chance goodbye.
  • The format of your resume is also very essential. Employers and recruiters should feel at ease while looking at your resume. The layout of the resume makes a huge difference as it can either put off an employer to even read further on.
  • Apart from your educational background, your current or past professional achievements need to be highlighted as that is what the recruiters are looking for. They want to see what you have achieved till now and how you can benefit their firm.
  • If you desire a particular salary range, then your resume has to match it because no firm will give any employee or future employee a salary which is not appropriate for the experience he/she may have.
  • And finally, choose which resume format you wish to go with - functional or chronological.
As you read the rest of the article, you will find that we have given you chronological and functional resume writing examples. Choose the resume style that suits you best.

Functional Resume Writing Example

Functional resumes concentrate on highlighting the skills and abilities of an individual. The emphasis on educational and even professional background is not in limelight as special skills like computer languages, leadership qualities, and even managerial skills are more stressed on. However, if there are certain job-related experiences that you may have which will help you get a particular job position, it can be highlighted in the functional resume format.

Functional Resume Format Sample

Stacey Duchovny
Your Address ** Cellphone Number ** Email Id


In this section, you will talk about your current position which also reflects on the possible job position you want to get hired for. Write how your organizational and customer skills have given you the kind of experience and success anyone could dream of. However, make sure you don't sound arrogant or pompous.


In your profile, you will talk about the team which you might have handled in your previous/current job for a particular project. What we are trying to highlight here is your capabilities of handling pressure and all other responsibilities that come with the job position in question. Mention that you are a true team player and that you even possess fine leadership qualities. In this section, take the opportunity to mention any important achievements that might give you an edge over other candidates for the job position you are applying for.

Skills Summary

A good way to use this section is to use bulleted list to summarize your skills that will help you get this job. The recruiters don't like to read long, long sentences when it comes to focusing on skills. It's no rocket science and hence can be listed for easy reading.

Computer Skills (If required)
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Powerpoint
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Access
  • C++, HTML, Oracle PL/SQL
  • Other computer languages
Professional Experience
  • Use a bulleted list here as well to mention information about your previous job descriptions.
  • Begin with the name of the organization and then list underneath it what your role was.
  • Mention what your duties involved and what all you accomplished while with the organization.
Educational Background
  • Use a bulleted list here as well for mentioning your educational background.
  • Provide details of the degree you were awarded and your GPA (if necessary).

Chronological Resume Writing Example

Chronological resumes are commonly acceptable in many organizations as is very basic to format. When you are presenting your educational and professional background, using the chronological format gives a recruiter the necessary information directly, without having to read too much. Also, as the name suggests, you will list all your achievements and information in a chronological manner, starting from the most recent one.

Chronological Resume Format Sample

Stacey Duchovny

Your Address
Contact Details


For a chronological format, the objective here will mention what you are looking for from by applying at an organization. Keep this section as short and crisp as possible so that the recruiter still has interest in reading further on.


  • Use a bulleted list here to mention your educational background.
  • Start from the most recent degree that was awarded to you. (Master's or Bachelor's)
  • Also include other courses that you may have taken that might help you get an edge over other candidates for the position.
  • Again, bulleted list starting from the most recent work experience.
  • If you are currently working somewhere, don't forget to mention for how long you've been with the company.
  • For previous employment, do mention the duration you were with an organization.
Key Skills

In this section, you can either choose a bulleted format or just write them down in a short paragraph form. Use keywords like multitasking, team player, time management, and managing large teams so that you can grab the attention of the recruiters.

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