The knowledge of gender differences in verbal communication helps in resolving conflicts without much difficulty. It proves to be useful in overcoming communication barriers, maintaining healthy relationship between couples, and also creating a positive environment at workplaces. Information on relationship communication problems should therefore be very useful. Understanding the viewpoint of whom we are conversing with is crucial in day-to-day life and especially at the workplace. It helps save a lot of time that results from misunderstandings which happen during conversations. A cordial relationship between team members can be built by understanding the differences and working on them to resolve conflicts. Studying the subject of gender differences in communication in the workplace is therefore, very important.

Mens' Way of Communicating
Any activity that men indulge in their life is kind of a competition for them. Automatically, the pattern/way in which the interaction takes place, becomes more of a tussle where they have to win. It is said that men are more inclined towards achieving and thereby setting goals for themselves. It makes them a bit aggressive in nature. This characteristic trait also gets reflected in the way they communicate. Men hardly seek advise or help for the problems they face. Instead, they tend to keep their concerns and don't express them freely. Solving the problems independently and the need to have autonomy are also the traits which help in differentiating the nature of men from that of women. It is therefore quite common to find a man offering advise rather than listening to that of others. Men tend to seek respect of their peers. There are many such differences that can be observed in the way men communicate.

Womens' Way of Communicating
The major difference that differentiates women from men is that they (women) are inclined towards acceptance. The characteristic behavior of men to stamp their authority is found lacking in women. A woman doesn't mind listening to advise from others. In the process of decision making, women are more inclined towards mutual agreement rather than exhibiting a behavior that indicates autonomy/pride (unlike men). This trait of women proves to be useful at workplaces where people are expected to take decisions on the basis of consent of team members. Women try to maintain harmonious relations with their colleagues and are more cooperative in nature. The quality of empathy is pronounced in female behavior, and therefore, they have listening skills that are better in comparison to men.

Differences Resulting from Upbringing
Apart from the inherent nature of men and women, the other factor which influences their communication styles is the upbringing. People expect men and women to speak and behave in a certain set pattern. For example, it is considered as normal for a man/boy to use rough language. Such kind of a behavior, if exhibited by a woman, is not accepted by people. Expression of feelings/emotions by girls is considered natural. Boys on the other hand are not expected to cry. There are many more differences that one can point out in the way men and women communicate. The above points provide enough information about how men and women communicate differently. Using this information for resolving conflicts and building healthy relationships is necessary.

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