Local Businesses
To find a job quickly, felons should know where to look for them. For instance, big companies may not be so forthcoming in employing someone with a criminal background. However, small commercial establishments, such as departmental stores and restaurants around the local area where the said person resides, will not be much concerned with his past. The kind of jobs for convicted felons that these small places provide may not be so well paying, but yes, as a start, they are reasonably good!

Private Companies
The Employment Development Department, USA, has a list of companies who hire criminals. These companies are given tax exemptions by the government, in lieu of which, they hire felons. So, a felon can search for this list of companies on the department's website, get in touch with them and see whether they have positions available for felons.

Online Jobs
For felons who are well versed with the usage of Internet, there are numerous jobs online, which are well paying and require no background check. Online selling, data entry jobs, online surveys - there are plethora of opportunities for employment for ex felons. And those who are good at writing, can take up freelance writing on the Internet as well. Most of these jobs do not require any kind of educational qualifications, however, to take up online selling, a felon would need a credit card.

Non Profit Organizations
Non-profit organizations are a good place to find employment for convicted felons. Working for the underprivileged, people with terminal diseases or the elderly, can sensitize a felon and even help him to get over the setbacks that he might have suffered in his life. Such jobs may not pay him well or sometimes can be even on voluntary basis, yet, a felon who has worked for the needy might find it easier to get jobs in the future, with such a work experience in his resume.

Armed Forces
Since the past couple of years, army has been recruiting felons so that they can lead a normal life, once out of prison. The army has a program named "'Moral Waiver Program", under which many criminals have found employment as drivers, construction workers and administration staff in the army. Most army jobs will require a felon to be a high school pass out.

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