Land Transport: Transportation by road is probably the oldest method of transportation and travel. As early as the pre historic times, man knew how to walk, both on twos and fours. After the invention of wheels, road transport revolutionized in a big way.

Roads 'literally' were first constructed by Romans in order to enable the armies to travel faster. Roads made the use of wheels very comfortable which was otherwise inconvenient and uncomfortable on rugged surfaces. When it came to ice, land transport has always consisted of only and only sledges. Initially, sledges were pulled by animals and with the advent of machines, animals were relieved of this burden. Still animals are widely used in many places.

Now coming back to roads, man kept inventing means that would speed the process, giving birth to machines like bicycles, buggies and later, cars and various machinery using engines. Transportation was very slow and costly till the Industrial revolution. After the revolution, transportation changed thoroughly. The invention of engines in this time period (steam and fuel) subsequently led to inventions of vehicles of different capacities and speeds. So today we have cars, trucks, buses, bikes and many more machines that help us travel and transport faster and more efficiently.

Water Transport: Historically, water transportation became very important because of man's tendency to settle down around water bodies. Important cities were established along the banks of rivers and shores of oceans in order to make sure that the civilization never ran out of both food and water.

Transportation actually came into picture when man discovered his business skills and also when man's greed to conquer and rule grew. Some people traveled to learn and some traveled to fight. Both ways human beings had to find means of transportation on water. Initially, it was simpler; boats were constructed by tying bamboo shafts together. But this was a very basic invention and came handy when traveling for short distances.

With the passing time and rising need, man learned to create bigger boats that used manpower or winds for propagation. Man is known to have traveled far and wide using boats and ships. Even wars on seas are reported as old as 30 BC. The invention of engines revolutionized this mode as greatly as any other mode of transport. These days, huge ships travel the lengths of ocean in the form of either the naval forces of a country or luxurious cruise ships, a style statement for the rich and famous. They are unsinkable cities that are propelled by huge engines, on the water surface. This is however, a slow medium of transportation these days, as compared to many others that have come into picture. But who wants to hurry up when he is actually inside a five star cruise which is as good as a complete city with no flaws at all?

Rail Transport: The usage of rails for the purpose of transportation started around 500 years ago. Initially, it consisted of man or horse power and sometimes also of rails made of wood. The modern railway system finds its origin in England in early 1800's. Historically it was known as wagon way and its traces have been found as early as 600 BC in Greece. The Greek system also used wagons that were pulled by either men or animals on the grooves made in limestone. Making of grooves on flat surfaces made the wagons follow a particular path without being manually directed to do so. In their initial days, they were only 6-9 kms long. There are discoveries that indicate their use in the Roman empire also.

As the centuries passed, man invented various machines that helped the growth of railways indirectly. Like the invention of steam engine gave rail transportation a new meaning and remained an astounding invention of the century, that was upgraded only in late 1900s by the fuel engine. Railways these days form the backbone of any given economy. They are a very fast and economic way of travel as well as transport through huge distances.

Air Transport and Space Travel: Man has always been a very curious and revolting child of God. He has always wanted what he doesn't have. This characteristic invariably gave way to many inventions that have made (and will continue making) our lives easier and luxurious every day. One of the most revolutionizing inventions of the history of mankind is airplanes. It was invented by the Wright brothers in 1903. Since their invention, it has been modified and glorified into the fastest known method of transportation and travel. A man can now think of traveling thousands of miles in just a few hours. This would have sounded like a wild dream a few centuries ago but man's curiosity and willingness have made it a reality. Inventions and discoveries of fuels, that are efficient both in terms of money and usage, have given man easy accessibility to this mode of transport. Nowadays, even a common man can dream of taking a plane home.

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