Most of the thinkers are of the belief that today, organizations need people who can fill in the void when the baby-boomer generation of leaders steps aside. There is also a need for positive leadership, which can bring a sense of assurance and stability in an organization which is marred by anxiety, rumors and insecurity. There have been companies that have dominated the global markets for decades, but have failed to stand tall to economic crisis. Lucent, Lehman Brothers, Northern Rock are just few of the examples of companies failing to cope up with a sudden negative change, the list would have been extensive if the government hadn't bailed out some key organizations. The demise of these big names poses a question to the current and aspiring leaders. How did these companies, which had been an epitome of efficiency and leadership, not read the changing environment? While, there may be a lot of factors that contribute to an organization's growth or demise, there are certain effective leadership strategies that have proven useful for leaders over a period of time. Let us take a look at some of these leadership strategies that leaders must incorporate to get the best possible results from people.

Have a Clear Vision
A leader who is vision conscious is able to communicate the plans of the organization to the employees in a better way. If the leader himself is not too sure of a plan or a strategy, it is difficult for him to convince others and this is where trust deficit and anxieties creep in. A leader should know where he would like to see the organization in the coming months, years or decades and motivate his team to turn that vision into reality.

Value People
A leader has the authority to make the final decision on matters, but it doesn't mean that other people are not qualified enough to voice their opinions. Valuing and caring for your employees is one of the basics of a sound leadership. The people working in an organization are its most important assets, so it becomes very essential that a leader invests time and effort to groom them by giving them opportunities.

Build Future Leaders
"Leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders". As a leader, your job becomes much more easier if you have a group of people who are confident and capable of taking important decisions. It is the responsibility of a leader to ensure that he encourages people who display leadership qualities.

Communicate Effectively
To translate a vision into reality, it is very important for a leader to make his people believe in his ideas and effective communication helps achieve that. Effective communication also includes giving a patient ear to the aspirations and concerns of your employees with an intent to act appropriately. To ensure this, you need to create the right kind of atmosphere in your organization, so that people are comfortable enough to express their views.

Take Calculated Risks
A leader should have the conviction to take calculated risks. As they say, "Not all those wander are lost". It is important for a leader to think 'out of the box' and encourage this behavior in his people as well. Most of the people are hesitant in trying out new things, and 'its not my job' attitude is prevalent in most of the organizations. There is a difference between taking calculated risks and displaying a risky behavior. Taking calculated risks is about shedding our comfort zones and stretching ourselves to our full potential. Risky behavior on the other hand, compares to taking risks without thinking about the consequences. People who take calculated risks often have a 'Plan B' in case the 'Plan A' doesn't work out, whereas risky behavior doesn't have anything to fall back on.

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