Your boots have to be the highlight of your get up, be it a cute dress, formal wear, hot pants or skinny jeans. How you carry this look off, will define everything that speaks fashion, and will definitely quote volumes on your sense of style. If you are the sort of dresser where fashion trend for you actually equals ghastly, then get further into these ideas on how to put your look together without committing a fashion faux paus.

Outfits with Boots and Leggings
If there’s one thing I’ve learned when it comes to dressing up, is that you can never, ever go wrong, with a pair of leggings. These come in different patterns, colors and textures and depending on your skin tone, figure and stature is what will help you pull off the leggings look. If you’re like me, and want to stick to the safe side, then black is the way to go, be either leather or suede. Recently I walked into a store, and they had these to-die-for leggings with intricate, detailed work, slightly on the semi see-through side and yes, black (safest color to match boots with). Experiment with different kinds and top it off with a great tunic or a long tee that falls within the the semi-formal side. So for the lovely female clan, you can pull off boots that are either knee high or ankle low, and still look great in a pair of leggings. It accentuates your legs, can go great with high heels, a great pair of flats and of course boots! For more pointers, skip to how to wear boots, for more suggestions.

Listen Up Men (and Women)
Jeans are an asset that you cannot, and should not go wrong with. You need to know exactly what suits your body type, and what would make your best features stand out and unflattering ones, simmer down. Always go to a high end store and pick out a great pair of these, because these my friend, are a long-term investment. If you don’t fit into them anymore, do something about your growing self to make yourself fit into them again! Trust me it’ll help you get into shape and into those jeans. Okay about outfits with boots and jeans, the obvious answer, and for those of you who know that I’m not wrong here - skinny jeans, always, and I mean always, look breathtaking with a pair of boots, slim straight fits follow in close pursuit. Be it men, or women, you cannot bump into the fashion police if you couple these two together. Find out here on how to wear ankle boots with skinny jeans.

For Women with Great Legs
Hot pants for the ladies, that have jean like material, go well with boots, again either knee high or ankle low, and if you’re going with other colors in hot pants, black, marsh green or dark gray tones would work best. Never, ever couple boots with socks; that is just demeaning to them. Find out how to wear boots with a skirt, if your confused about this match. If you're the sort to go with a lot of colorful overtones, then make sure you don't use two contradicting colors to make a statement. Use one dark colored pair of boots in either chocolate brown or black, so that you know it'll match every time you use a loud color. Try out these suggestions on how to wear knee high boots.

Formal Wear with Boots
Straight cut mini skirts with boots? Yes. Men in well tailored suits with boots peaking out from down below? Definitely. Women clad in high waisted formal pants, and a tucked in formal shirt, sporting boots? Hell yeah. You can match these up with nice mini dresses, but knowing what kind goes with the design of the boots, is key. These dresses to wear with cowboy boots, should give you some helpful dressing tips on some cute outfits with boots. It’s all about knowing what is aesthetically pleasing to one’s eye. Ask someone for a second opinion and be open to criticism and judgment. If it doesn’t work for you, it just doesn’t.

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