Extinct Birds of the World
The most common name that comes to mind when we speak of extinct birds is the dodo. This was a large flightless bird found in Madagascar. Hunting and severe disruption of habitat has forced this species into extinction, and they can not be found on the face of this planet anymore.

The islands off the coast of Madagascar, also contained some other very unique bird species. Around 28 bird species were known to exist on these islands, and now there are only 4 or 5 of those species remaining. The other species are all extinct. As human civilization grows and advances, we need to take care of our planet and all the life forms that inhabit it, but so far we are failing in this regard. The extinct bird dodo is a symbolical representation of this overwhelming failure, and it makes lovers of bird watching around the world cringe in discomfort and displeasure.

Some other extinct birds of the world are as follows.

    Carolina Parakeet
    Great Auk
    Labrador Duck
    Passenger Pigeon
    Heath Hen
    Black Mamo
    The Great Toothed Diver
    Giant Moa
    Dinornis Maximus

There are many other species as well that are a part of the extinct birds list, and they just go to show the reckless and ruthless nature of human beings.

Extinct Birds of Hawaii
About 6 species and 4 sub-species of birds have been known to enter extinction in the islands of Hawaii in the last 100-200 years or so. The rapid commercialization and tourism in these islands has made the entire natural habitat alter completely, and sadly, some species of birds have been unable to deal with this change. Some of the extinct birds of Hawaii are as follows.

    Laysan Rail
    Lanai Thrush
    Moloka'i Thrush
    Laysan Millerbird
    Bishop's O'o
    Hawai'i O'o
    Kaua'i 'Akialoa
    Lanai Creeper

Hawaii is one of the most seriously hit areas as far as extinct birds are concerned. It is said that about 30% of extinct birds, in the last 100 years, were found primarily in Hawaii. The rate of disruption of the natural habitat is devastatingly intense there.

Also see the following:

    Extinct Animals
    Wildlife Conservation
    Wild Bird Species Identification
    Extinct Animals in the Last 100 Years

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