Symbiotic Relationships

In biology, symbiosis or symbiotic relationship is the process of interaction between two different organisms in which either both or one of the two ends up as the benefiting. The definition of symbiosis suggests that it is a long-term interaction between two organisms which live in close proximity of each other. Such biological interactions have a crucial role to play when it comes to smooth functioning of any given ecosystem. The list of symbiotic relationships features three different types of the symbiosis - mutualism, commensalism and parasitism, and you get to see each of these three types of symbiotic relationships in the desert biome.

Symbiotic Relationships in the Desert

Before we start with examples of symbiosis in the desert biome, you need to understand that the term 'desert' refers to arid land with very little or absolutely no vegetation and precipitation. Going by this definition, approximately 20 percent of the total surface area of the planet qualifies for the desert biome. Even though this biome may not be as rich in terms of biodiversity as the other biomes of the world are, but it does boast of some of the most amazing animal adaptations on the planet. These adaptations in desert animals reflect in symbiotic relationships examples of this biome as well. Given below are some examples of symbiotic relationships in the desert which will give you a rough idea as to how various organisms in this biome depend on each other for basic survival.

Mutualism in the Desert Biome
When both the organisms involved in a said interaction get benefited from that interaction, it is referred to as a mutualism relationship. This is further divided into three types - trophic mutualism (wherein both organisms get benefits in form of resources), dispersive mutualism (wherein one organism gets benefits in terms of resource, while other gets it in form of service) and defensive mutualism (wherein both the organism get benefits in form of service.)
Examples: The relationship between the mistletoe plant and the Phainopepla bird is one of the best examples of mutualism in the desert biome. The Phainopepla feeds on mistletoe berries and disperses the undigested seeds of these berries in the surroundings through its droppings. In this way the mistletoe plant provides food to Phainopepla, while the Phainopepla helps the mistletoe plant grow in the surroundings. Other mutualism examples in deserts include bees pollinating cacti and depending on it for food and coyote eating fruits and dispersing seeds through its scat.

Commensalism in the Desert Biome
When only one of the two organisms involved benefits from the interaction, while the other organism remains unaffected it is referred to as commensalism. In such symbiotic relationship examples the host organism is neither harmed nor does it gets any benefits of the interaction. As in case of mutualism, even commensalism is grouped into three different types - phoresy (wherein one organism uses other for transportation), inquilinism (wherein one organism uses other for housing) and metabiosis (wherein one organism creates suitable environment for other.)
Examples: In what can be defined as one of the best examples of commensalism in deserts, the cactus wren species builds its nest in cholla cactus. While this is beneficial for the bird as it helps it keep its young ones safe from predators, the cacti species remains unaffected. Other commensalism examples in deserts include the fringe toed lizard or gopher snake occupying a hole made by the desert rat and creosote bush growing under the shade of holly shrub.

Parasitism in the Desert Biome
When one of the two organisms involved in the interaction benefits at the cost of other, i.e. one organism benefits while the other is harmed, it is referred to as parasitism. In this case the organism which benefits from the interaction is known as the 'parasite', while the one which has to bear the brunt of this interaction is known as the 'host'. Parasitism is further divided into two types - biotrophic parasitism (wherein the host organism is harmed but it doesn't die) and necrotrophic parasitism (wherein the host organism is harmed to an extent where it dies.)
Examples: An apt example of parasitism in the desert biome is the interaction between the praying mantis and wasp in Mojave desert of the United States. In this case the wasp lays its eggs in the egg case of eggs laid by the praying mantis'. When the wasps' eggs hatch, its larvae starts feeding on praying mantis' eggs and makes its way out. Other parasitism examples in the deserts include mistletoe species living on host plants such as desert ironwood and fleas living on the body of coyotes (and other desert animals.)

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