First and foremost, it is important to understand what constitutes a good brand. The specifications and the features that are offered is obviously the prime factor, but this is an area where it is very hard to differentiate amongst the different brands. So in order to compensate for this, a good brand will offer additional benefits like good customer support, good after-sales support, good pricing strategies (from the customers point of view), plenty of free gifts and freebies and good designing and aesthetics. Based on these parameters here are the best computer brands (for laptops as well as desktops) that are available in the market today.

Apple Inc. is one of the first names that come to mind when we think of computers, and this is because they have spent decades offering the very best products that money can buy. These machines run on the Mac OS which is very stable and offers very little virus threats. Moreover, the machines are very stable and pleasing to look at, thanks to the millions of dollars that Apple spends on designing. When it comes to marketing, no one comes close to Apple either, and Apple desktops and laptops are the machines of choice for people who want the best out of their computers.

Acer's USP is their low cost and high set of specifications. When it comes to laptops, no other brand can deliver high quality machines at the prices that Acer provides. This is what sets them apart, and also makes Acer a popular choice for students and people who are looking for a secondary laptop that does not cost too much. There are high-end offerings made by Acer as well, and their customer support is also excellent, but their image of being an economical brand is a self-created one.

If you are looking for computers that are economical, then Compaq is the brand for you. Many people claim that the hardware of Compaq machines gives plenty of problems, but this is a matter of perception. Compaq has a pretty good standing in the industry as of now, but it would be fair to say that they are merely making up the numbers. When compared to high quality computers like Apple and Dell, the machines made by Compaq are pale in comparison.

Dell Computers took the world by storm by allowing buyers to assemble their own machines online, and then having it delivered to them. This lowered the cost considerably, and helped Dell realize their vision of providing a laptop for everyone. With Dell computers, you can be assured of the quality and the customer support, and you can receive this at very economical prices. Computers made by Dell work like a charm, and it is definitely one of the most recognized brands all around the world. Dell also recently took over Alienware, the best brand for gaming laptops.

Hewlett Packard have made a name for themselves by supplying machines to offices and corporate clients for many years now. When it comes to personal computers, HP offers average machines, but they save their true power for the corporate sector and bulk buyers. This is a strategy that has helped them because they also offer many other office supplies like printers, but I would not recommend an HP machine for a private home user.

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