Believe it or not, a healthy workplace environment in an organization is possible only when it has incorporated some effective tips of healthy and clear communication in the workplace. This is only possible if the management takes some necessary steps towards developing a cordial and friendly atmosphere in the organization through proper techniques of effective corporate communication. Some useful tips are mentioned below. Have a look.

Approachable Body Language
The reason why most of the subordinates find it difficult to approach their employers or bosses is because they get a negative or unapproachable body language from them. Communication is a two way process, so if you don’t give friendly vibes through your body language, there will always be this sense of hesitation and gap when it comes to clearing doubts and concerns through communication. Therefore, it is very important to have a body language that makes the employees feel comfortable.

Call a Face to Face Meeting for Important Matters
Another classic example of poor workplace communication resulting into poor outcomes and results is conveying important messages through e-mails or in other ways. What if there are concerns and doubts regarding the same? What if someone missed on getting the message? Another point to keep in mind is that if you need to praise someone for their contribution, sending an email centrally or putting it on a notice board is a great idea as it encourages the employees. On the other hand if it is a sensitive matter that needs to be addressed, especially to a single employee, then calling a face to face meeting is a better option. This gives the employee an idea that you respect his/her privacy.

Give Ear to Employee Concerns and Feedback
Communication is a process wherein just receiving information isn't enough, one must also be opened to receiving a valid reply or feedback assuring that the message is received in the same sense as it was intended. Therefore, if the management has the right to send across information, even the management should be open to receive the feedback, doubts and related concerns of the employees. This means it is also important to be a good listener rather than just putting across one’s orders.

Build a Personal Rapport with Your Employees
You all would agree to the fact that we tend to give our 100% and tend to feel more comfortable in an organization wherein there is a personal comfort and a sense of belonging! In order to develop that sense of belongingness, it is important to build a personal rapport with the employees which can be done through talking about personal goals and objectives, or may be arranging informal events so that the management and the employees can spend some time on a personal level.

Involve them in Important Meetings and Organizational Events
Make the employees feel that you consider them to be an important part of the management so that they in turn can feel emotionally connected with the organization. This can be done by involving them in some of the important meetings and discussions and take their opinions and advices into consideration. You can also give due recognition to employees that have come across some revolutionary idea that has proved to be important in the organization.

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