Heroin Addiction

Heroin is an illegal drug that is made from morphine, which in turn is a drug made from the seedpods of certain poppy plants. In fact, heroin is one of the most highly abused illegal drugs and is said to have a very fast effect. It is said that the user starts developing a pleasurable feeling within seconds of using heroin. Studies show that heroin contains two alkaloids, termed codeine and morphine, which are responsible this action of the drug. The purest form of heroin is white in color and is available in the form of powder. It is also available in off-white, brown and black colors. It is said that the color change is due to the presence of impurities and other additives.

The most common ways of delivering this drug to the body is through smoking, snorting or injecting. There is a common misconception that injection of heroin leads to addiction, as compared to snorting or smoking. Some people also use this drug as vaginal or anal suppositories. Ingestion is the most uncommon methods of using this drug. Whatever may be the method of use, heroin addiction can happen with successive uses. Apart from causing harm to the health of the user, such a drug addiction has many socio-economic impacts too. So, detecting and treating the condition at the very beginning is a real necessity. A basic understanding about the various symptoms of heroin addiction may help you in identifying it. The following paragraph deals with the signs of this drug addiction.

Heroin Addiction Symptoms

Prolonged use of heroin leads to addiction, which can cause both, mental physical and behavioral changes. The following are some of the common physical signs of heroin addiction.

    Bluish color of the skin, lips and fingernails
    Slow and shallow breathing
    Constricted pupils and a lost appearance in the eyes
    Unusual lethargy and laziness
    Poor hygiene
    Itchy skin
    Weight loss
    Injection marks on the body
    Runny nose and eyes
    Cravings between uses
    Cold and sweaty hands
    Puffy face and red eyes

These are some of the warning signs of heroin addiction. Behavioral symptoms include change of friends, withdrawal from social life, sudden shortage of money, weird behavior, secluded life, etc. Such people may also have poor memory, disorientation and difficulty concentrating. If you have such a friend or relative, look for substances like capsules, injection syringes and other such items in their house. All these symptoms are indicators of heroin addiction.

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